In this continuation of our series on advanced Git commands, we’ll explore some additional techniques and commands that can further enhance your Git proficiency.

Git Stash Pop

In addition to git stash apply, you can use git stash pop to apply the most recent stash and remove it from the stash list in a single step. This can help you streamline your workflow when temporarily saving changes.

Apply and remove the most recent stash:

$ git stash pop

Git Worktree Prune

When working with multiple worktrees, you may sometimes need to clean up stale or unused worktrees. The git worktree prune command helps you remove worktrees that no longer exist or are no longer needed.

Prune unused worktrees:

$ git worktree prune

Git Rerere Clear

If you’ve enabled git rerere (reuse recorded resolution) and want to clear its recorded resolutions, you can use the following command:

$ git rerere forget <commit_hash>

This command makes Git forget the resolutions for a specific commit, allowing you to reapply them or resolve conflicts differently in the future.

Git Push –force-with-lease

While git push --force allows you to forcefully push changes to a remote branch, it can be risky, especially in a collaborative environment. git push --force-with-lease is a safer option that only forces the push if the remote branch matches the expected state.

Forcefully push changes with lease:

$ git push --force-with-lease

Git Bisect Log

When performing a git bisect operation to find a bug, you can use git bisect log to display the history of the bisect process, showing which commits were tested and marked as good or bad.

View the bisect log:

$ git bisect log

This log can be helpful for documenting the bisect process and understanding which commits were involved.


With these additional advanced Git commands and techniques, you’ve expanded your Git toolkit even further. Git is a versatile version control system that provides solutions for a wide range of scenarios, from tracking code changes to collaborative development.

As you continue to work with Git, remember that practice, experimentation, and customization are key to becoming a Git expert. Adapt these commands to your specific workflow, and explore Git’s capabilities to maximize your productivity and collaboration efforts. Happy coding!